Corporate Wellness Programs
Corporate Wellness Programs supporting companies and organizations in the Greater Boston Area. Ideal for departments, teams and administrative staff. Popular programs include those on Meditation, Mindful Eating, Stress Reduction, Public Speaking and Goal Setting.
For most people work is the central part of their lives. For a business, healthy and productive employees provide significant competitive advantages.
Natalia offers educational and interactive workshops designed to meet the needs of both employees and managers. Programs are conveniently delivered at the work-site with each presentation designed to promote wellness.
A question and answer period at the conclusion of each training provides participants with the opportunity to address specific areas of concern.
Natalia will work with you to customize each presentation to meet the unique needs of your organization.

Embrace Change, Shift-Alt-Delete
Learn to shift your mind, look for alternatives and delete old patterns and beliefs that prevent change from happening. By making fundamental modifications in thinking, individuals can make changes that can impact health, stress, success and growth.
Fifteen minutes a day is all it takes to form healthy life and work habits. Fifteen minutes a day to Embrace life, rediscover your potential, create opportunities for growth and success.

Meditation for Busy People
(60 minutes each session) Meditation is becoming popular because it decreases stress, improves health and enhances productivity. If you hesitate to try it because you can’t sit still to meditate, do not despair! Meditation can be done in many ways.Select from three mediation options: shift your focus instantly, meditate in 1-10 minute increments during the day, or set aside a longer session each day. Learn how to meditate while waiting in line at a store, stuck in traffic or at the office. Choose the technique that works best for you depending upon the situation.
Participants will:
Understand how meditation impacts your mind and body
Discover what works best for you, and how to incorporate it into daily life
How to make meditation a daily practice

Relaxation Tips for Busy People – Part 1 & 2
(1-1.5 hours each session) Are you so busy that you forget to enjoy your life? If you hear yourself say “I’m too busy to relax”, this workshop is for you. Being on the “cutting edge”, trying to do everything better and faster can be counterproductive and overwhelming. Everyone experiences some degree of stress.Fortunately, integrating stress reduction techniques in 1-3 minute increments throughout the day can have a large impact on your quality of life. In this workshop, you will be introduced to a variety of stress relievers that can be incorporated into daily life.
Participants will learn how to:
Gain awareness of what stress is
Understand how stress can impact you physically and mentally
Change negative thoughts
Build stress reducing habits
Quiet the mind and body
- Relieve anxiety, increase productivity, and sharpen focus

Take the “Stress” Out of Speaking in Public
(1-1.5 hour session) If speaking in public produces anxiety, or the fear of public speaking is limiting your advancement at work you are not alone. Fear of public speaking surpasses death and spiders as the number one phobia in the US.Public speaking means different things to different people. It can include one to one communication at an interview, speaking up in a meeting, or giving a presentation. Fortunately, there are easy to learn strategies that can help you make the right impression and clearly communicate key points.
Participants will learn how to:
Utilize confidence boosting techniques
Make a meaningful first impression
Demonstrate authority and authenticity
Become comfortable with impromptu speaking
Engage with audiences in meaningful ways

Setting Goals and Reaching Them
(1-1.5 hour session) Significantly increase your success in reaching goals by incorporating 5 key components. Whether the goals are about diet, exercise, time management, career related or about relationships, this workshop will help you.Participants will learn how to:
Uncover the secret that can make it 10 times more likely to achieve a goal
Embrace 5 key components to successful goal fulfillment
Identify a goal and begin the process of moving through the steps
Breakdown goals into actionable activities
Overcome and breakthrough fears that prevent progress

Mindful Eating For Busy People
(1-1.5 hour session) Eating is anything but simple. Many people have a unsettled relationship with food leading to unfavorable situations. Eating mindfully can help you enjoy your food more and decrease the amount of calories you eat. This can help you to loose weight, prevent weight gain, and better manage chronic disease. A mindfulness approach to eating is gaining popularity in promoting health and wellness.Daily stresses and busy schedules can lead us to choose less healthy foods and to eat quicker. Stress and emotional eating can lead us to eat when we are not hungry and increase cravings for sweet and fatty foods. Fortunately, eating mindfully can help you address these situations.
Participants will learn how to:
Incorporate mindfulness into daily life
Understand and recognize internal and external cues that trigger eating
Slow down and enjoy eating
Balance eating for nourishment versus eating for other reasons
Make healthier food choices

“We are incredibly grateful to have had you come in and reinvigorate our Members. Your knowledge, expertise, and experience as a health practitioner and educator was so resonating that in the first 10 minutes, Members were grabbing their pens and paper to take notes. Thank you for taking the time to give our Members the techniques and inspiration to finish their service strong, healthy, and balanced.”